Zinsser Plastic Surgery
Body Procedures
Sometimes you can eat right, exercise regularly, and do all the things necessary to maintain a beautiful body without achieving your desired outcome. This is largely due to the fact that genetics plays a significant role in your body type and for some people, their genetic programming dictates which locations of your body will lose fat when you exercise. Sometimes, you may find that in spite of your diligent efforts, it can be challenging to attain a toned appearance in certain areas.
To learn more about the body contouring options available at Zinsser Plastic Surgery, call (804) 464-7615 today to schedule a personal consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. John Zinsser. We proudly serve Richmond, Fredericksburg and Williamsburg, Virginia.
A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is performed to remove excess skin and fat, and tighten the abdominal area. By helping you achieve a trim, flat midsection, abdominoplasty can have a significant effect on your appearance, helping you to look and feel your absolute best.
Liposuction, one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures, is an incredibly versatile body contouring option that can be used to remove stubborn pockets of diet-and-exercise-resistant fat from almost any part of your body, such as the belly, flansk, back, breast, hips, and arms.
A mommy makeover is a combination of surgical breast and body procedures designed to restore or improve your pre-pregnancy figure. A mommy makeover can eliminate loose, hanging skin on the abdominal region, remove stubborn pockets of excess fat, add breast volume, lift sagging breasts, and enhance your curves and body contour.
Buttock augmentation can give you a fuller, rounder, more attractive backside, helping you feel more confident in jeans, skirts and swimsuits. The Brazilian butt lift is a popular option that utilizes your own fat, harvested from areas such as the thighs or abdomen, to enhance the contour, shape, size and appearance of your buttocks.
At Zinsser Plastic Surgery, we offer a wide range of body contouring procedures that can help you put the finishing touches on your fitness routine, allowing you to enjoy the toned, fit figure you have worked so hard to achieve. Dr. Zinsser may offer surgical or non-surgical procedures.
Dr. Zinsser can help you achieve a more toned and attractive body contour with a body lift after major weight loss. More than a single treatment, plastic surgery after weight loss combines a number of procedures to deliver the balanced and proportionate figure you desire.
The Results You Desire
The Respect You Deserve
Zinsser Plastic Surgery provides a level of patient care that is unparalleled. We blend compassion, skill and the latest surgical techniques to create a signature experience that is unique in our field.
Dr. John Zinsser believes the keys to providing world-class results lie in a completely individualized approach to patient care. At Zinsser Plastic Surgery, you will be treated as the unique individual you are, and your treatment plan will be customized specifically for you.